flag Cayman Islands Cayman Islands: Trade Profile

Foreign Trade in Figures

The Cayman Islands are very open to international trade (106% of GDP, World Bank – latest data available), on which they are also heavily dependent, especially regarding the imports of consumer goods as well as tourism and financial activities. The Cayman Islands are not a member of the WTO. In 2022, the country’s main exports were recreational boats, planes, helicopters, and/or spacecraft, other sea vessels, refined petroleum, and petroleum gas (mostly re-exports); whereas imports were driven by recreational boats, refined petroleum, diamonds, cars, and passenger and cargo ships (data OEC).

For 2022, the U.S. were by far the largest import partner, accounting for 46.8% of total imports, followed by Italy (18.5%), Turkey (6.7%), and Germany (6.1%). Malta was the main destination for the islands’ exports (29.6%), ahead of Norway (22.1%), Seychelles (16.4%), and Grenada (8.5% - data OEC).

The country has a structural trade deficit. According to data by the national Economic and Statistics Office, the total value of goods imported for 2022 increased to USD 1498.7 million, whereas estimated merchandise exports, comprising largely re-exports, settled at USD 31.6 million. In 2022, the visible trade deficit expanded by USD 2,049 million, moving from USD 1.26 billion in 2021 to USD 14.6 billion. This resulted from a 17.4% increase in the importation of goods and a 121.8% growth in exports. Preliminary figures show that in the first nine months of 2023, the Caymans imported USD 1,112 million worth of goods (+0.5% vis-à-vis the same period one year earlier).


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Source: United Nations Statistics Division, Latest Available Data

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List of tariffs and local taxes that apply to your product on our service Customs Duties


Trade Compliance

International Economic Cooperation
The Cayman Islands do not belong to any customs union but are an associate member of the Carribean Community Single Market (CARICOM).
Useful Resources
Cayman Islands Customs (en anglais)
National Organisation of Intellectual Property
Company Registry

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