United Kingdom flag United Kingdom: Buying and Selling

Arrange transport of goods to and from the United Kingdom

Main Useful Means of Transport
According to UK Port Freight Statistics of the Department for Transport, an estimated total of 95,600 cargo vessels arrived at UK major ports during 2019, 3% less than the 2018 level. Although, the tonnage handled by UK ports increased by 1% in 2019 compared to the previous year, for a total of 486.1 million tonnes. There are hundreds of ports well-equipped for goods transportation. The top 10 major ports, in terms of the amount of tonnage handled in 2019 are: Grimsby & Immingham (54.1 million tonnes), London (54 million tonnes), Milford Haven (35 million tonnes) and Liverpool (34.3 million tonnes).
The Port Freight Dashboard allows you to further explore trends for individual ports. England, Scotland, and Wales have more than 80 ports as members in the British Ports Association, whose aim is to represent and protect its members from the market turmoil and to integrate international policies.

Roads are dense and effective. United Kingdom is a powerful market for road transport and since the market was liberalized, this sector has undergone strong upheavals. The government, through the Department of Transport, has called on the private sector to finance the creation, financing and construction of new roads, and a toll-system on highways will be the next step.
Domestic road freight activity by Great Britain registered HGVs operating in the UK increased in the last year. There were increases of 6% in the amount of goods lifted, to 1.44 billion tonnes and 4% in the amount of goods moved, to 155 billion ton kilometres.

Various plans of improvement of the railway infrastructure such as the modernization of tracks in West Midlands, a high speed connection between South and North as well as a project joining the East and the West are under study.
In 20 years, rail journeys increased by 89% to reach a record 1.8 billion journeys in 2018/19, but declined to 1.7 billion in 2019/20 (due to the COVID-19 crisis). Rail use has increased faster than any other mode of transport. In 2018, 8.9% of freight moved in Great Britain was by trains, a 0.2 percentage point decrease compared with the previous year. In 2019/20, the total amount of rail freight transported decreased to 16.6 billion net ton kilometres, a 4.6% decrease on 2018/19.
Since December 1994, Great Britain has been connected with the European continent by the Chunnel, exploited by Eurotunnel company and the train Euro star.
For more information see Office of Rail and Road website.

British Ports Association
Port of London
Heathrow International Airport
Sea Transport Organisations
Department for Transport Maritime Sector
Air Transport Organisations
Civil Aviation Authority
Department for Transport Aviation and Airports
Road Transport Organisations
UK Department for Transport Road Network and Traffic
Rail Transport Organisations
Department for Transport High Speed Rail
Department for Transport Rail Network

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