Businesses have specific opening times and their working hours vary. Most businesses are open between 8 am and 5 pm from Sunday to Thursday, small companies closing during luchtime, from noon to 2 pm. Shops and supermarkets are mostly open from 8h30 am to 12h30 pm and from 3 pm to 8 pm. Some supermarkets are open 24/7, large shopping centres (malls) are often open very late, even after midnight on a weekend.
New Year's Day | 1 January |
Mawlid (Birth of the Prophet) | Varies, religious holidays are ruled by the lunar calendar and are subject to change |
May Day | 1 May |
Ramadan | July |
Eid al Fitr (End of Ramadan) | Varies, religious holidays are ruled by the lunar calendar and are subject to change |
Eid al-Adha (Festival of the Sacrifice) | Varies, religious holidays are ruled by the lunar calendar and are subject to change |
Hijri New Year | Varies, religious holidays are ruled by the lunar calendar and are subject to change |
Day of Ashura | Varies, religious holidays are ruled by the lunar calendar and are subject to change |
National Holiday | December 16-17 |
The holy month of Ramadan | One month, local religious holidays are ruled by the lunar calendar are subject to change. |
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