Barein flag Barein: Ambiente de negócios

Fazendo negócios no Barein

Opening hours and bank holidays

General Information
Bahrain Country Commercial Guide, Trade guide on Bahrain by BuyUSAinfo
Kwintessential Bahrain
Opening Hours and Days
Government offices are open from 7 am to 2h15 pm Saturday to tuesday. Banks are mostly open from 7h30 am to 2 pm, Sunday to Thursday.

Businesses have specific opening times and their working hours vary. Most businesses are open between 8 am and 5 pm from Sunday to Thursday, small companies closing during luchtime, from noon to 2 pm. Shops and supermarkets are mostly open from 8h30 am to 12h30 pm and from 3 pm to 8 pm. Some supermarkets are open 24/7, large shopping centres (malls) are often open very late, even after midnight on a weekend.


Public Holidays

New Year's Day 1 January
Mawlid (Birth of the Prophet) Varies, religious holidays are ruled by the lunar calendar and are subject to change
May Day 1 May
Ramadan July
Eid al Fitr (End of Ramadan) Varies, religious holidays are ruled by the lunar calendar and are subject to change
Eid al-Adha (Festival of the Sacrifice) Varies, religious holidays are ruled by the lunar calendar and are subject to change
Hijri New Year Varies, religious holidays are ruled by the lunar calendar and are subject to change
Day of Ashura Varies, religious holidays are ruled by the lunar calendar and are subject to change
National Holiday December 16-17

Periods When Companies Usually Close

The holy month of Ramadan One month, local religious holidays are ruled by the lunar calendar are subject to change.

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