Paquistão: Investir no Paquistão
However both foreign and domestic investors are restricted to establish and own business enterprises in the following five industrial sectors which are of national importance: arms and ammunitions, high explosives, currency/minting operations, non-industrial alcohol, and radioactive substances.
Foreign investment in an existing Pakistani company essentially follows the same regulations as that for new ventures. Any purchase of shares by a foreign investor would require such investment to be registered with the State Bank of Pakistan so as to enable the entitlement of foreign investment similar to that of a new venture.
There are no minimum or maximum limits imposed on the age of individual investor ownership in a public limited company. However, in accordance with the Companies (Issue of Capital) Rules 1996, the sponsors shall at all times retain 25% of the capital of the company.
Acquisition of more than 10% stake in an insurance company should get prior approval from the SECP.
Similarly, in case of transfer of 5% or more shares of any bank or financial institution by foreign investors, the permission of the State Bank of Pakistan is required.
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