The industrial sector contributes nearly 25% to the GDP. The major industries are textile production (the biggest earner of foreign exchange), oil refining, metal processing, and cement & fertilizer production. The automotive industry is one of the emerging industries in Pakistan. There are around 20 automobile/motorcycle manufacturing units in assembling operations. Further to the privatization of the cement plants, and the recentboom in the construction industry, cement manufacturing is performing very well. The pharmaceutical sector with a large presence of the main international corporations is a major player now in the country. The leather goods industry and, to a limited extent, the metal surgical instruments sector, mostly based in Sialkot, are impressive exporters.
Multimedia - Furnishings, household equipment and arts - Household hardware - Toys, games, gifts - Industry service - Databases - Software - Services - Internet, cybersecurity - Digital solutions, Mobile applications - Embedded systems - Hospital - Medical Equipment - Cleaning, surveillance, protection - Casinos, gaming, games of chance