Capital: Bern
Total Population:
Natural Increase:
220 Inhabitants/km²
Urban Population:
Population of main cities:
Zurich (421,800); Geneva (203,800); Basel (173,800); Lausanne (140,100); Bern (134,800); Winterthur (114,300); Luzern (82,600); St. Gallen (76,200); Lugano (62,300); Biel (55,000)
Ethnic Origins:
The population is comprised of about 62% of people of Swiss German origin, with about 23% of French Swiss origin, 8% of Italian origin and 22.7% of other backgrounds (the total exceeds 100%, as people can give more than one answer).
(Swiss Federal Statistical Office)
Official Language:
Switzerland has three official languages: German, French and Italian and four national languages: German, French, Italian and Romansch.
Other Languages Spoken:
Other languages spoken include Serbo-Croatian, Albanian, Portuguese, Spanish and English.
Business Language(s):
English, German, French and Italian
Roman Catholic (41.8%), Protestant (35.3%), Muslim (4.3%), Orthodox (1.8%), Other Christian (0.4%), Others (1%), Unspecified (4.3%), None (11.1%) (2000 census).
Local Time:
It is %T:%M %A In Geneva, Bern, Lausanne
Exchange Rate on
National Currency: Swiss Franc (CHF)
Country Overview
41,291 km²
Type of State:
Switzerland is a federal republic with a unique system of direct democracy, combining elements of parliamentary governance with extensive citizen participation through referendums and initiatives. It consists of 26 cantons, which enjoy a high degree of decentralization and autonomy, each with its own constitution and governing structures.
Type of Economy:
High-income economy, OECD member.
Fourth GDP per capita in the world; offshore financial services dominate the economy.
HDI (World Rank):
Note: (*) The HDI, Human Development Index, is an Indicator Which Synthesizes Several Data Such as Life Expectancy, Level of Education, Professional Careers, Access to Culture etc.
Telephone Code:
To call from Switzerland, dial 00
To call Switzerland, dial +41
Internet Suffix:
91.8 per 100 Inhabitants
Telephone Lines:
56.7 per 100 Inhabitants
Internet Users:
85.2 per 100 Inhabitants
Access to Electricity:
100% of the Population
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Latest Update: February 2025