Tailândia: Compra e Venda
According to the Bank of Thailand, the private consumption index was 135.24 in June 2022, higher than it was in June 2021 (124.18). Even though poverty has also declined substantially, income inequality, as measured by the Gini coefficient (35% according to World Bank data), declined less so in recent years. Thailand has the greatest wealth gap in the world. According to the Bank of Thailand’s research institute, the Puey Ungphakorn Institute for Economic Research, approximately 36% of Thailand’s corporate equity is held by just 500 people compared to the country’s current population. The institute’s report states that each of these 500 individuals amass some 3.1 billion baht (USD 102 million) per year in company profits. This is compared to the average yearly household income of around USD 10,000.
Though women earn a majority of the higher education degrees in Thailand, women also make less money and represent the majority of the country’s employees in the informal sector. The gender pay gap was 10.94% in 2020, a sharp increase from 2.5% in 2015 (UN Women). Men in disproportionate amounts also fill positions of leadership – particularly in business –, and only 15.75% of members of parliament are women (IPU Parline).
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